Sunday, April 10, 2011

Flour Fail

Paddy and I talk about buying the 25 pound bag of flour at Whole Foods all the time but don't because we're moving "soon" (in 3 months ish.) I have started baking bread very regularly to use as sandwiches for our lunches to save money on eating out. I now go through large amounts of flour, so we went to Whole Foods to get the 25 pound bag.

The bag is really a 50 pound bag. We got it anyways because it's just $1.00 a pound and organic and bread flour (has more gluten than regular flour.)

On the way home the umbrella stroller that was also in the trunk with the sack o'flour put a hole in the bag. Not at the top, or the bottom. Right in the middle. Paddy did some cursing bringing it into the house, as I was putting the weentsy one down for a nap and 22 weeks pregnant. (See moms? I do responsible pregnant things like not carrying the 50 pound bag of flour or teh 50 pound bag of sand.) Did I mention we also bought a 50 pound bag of sand to make a mini sandbox for Weentsy? It's not as much sand as you'd think.

Since we're moving "soon" I have packed up all non-necessary containers and kitchen things. Including my new gallon and half gallon sized glass containers which would be super helpful right about now with a ripped bag of flour. Instead I have a canning pot filled with flour. And a soup pot. And that took enough flour out of the bag to get it below the hold level.

Paddy is now dreaming of loaves of potato bread. And sourdough bowls. And dinner rolls. I'd better get baking.